Thursday, March 25, 2010

Week 10




Week 9




Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Stand Vigilant

I found this article this poster titled "Stand Vigilant America! A Radio Station is Trying to Steal Your Gun" in the May/June 2002 edition of Communication Arts. This poster was an example used in a section labeled "Great Ideas on Limited Budgets." This poster is an example of many that were done as an awareness campaign for a radio station. The radio station was considered a 24/7 beacon of free speech and the designers thought that doing a campaign that emphasized with the less-heard voices of environmental, social and political groups would be boring. Instead they came up with a guerrilla marketing campaign to tell people to turn off the radio station for completely absurd reasons. It was meant as an inside joke for listeners and they even designed bumper stickers that coincided with the posters which became very popular. The public response was positive and supportive and the posters have won many awards.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Seybold San Francisco

I found this ad for Seybold San Francisco from the 1990s in "Communication Arts," Volume 32, 1992-93 on page 31. This ad was an example of seminars that were shown in "Communication Arts." Seybold San Francisco is a company that can inform you of the newest technologie, software, online publishing, and more. The imagery on the top of the ad is very interesting and they used the metaphor concept to demonstrate what they do. Instead of showing different typefaces in weight and orientations, they took a photo of a man and distorted it to resemble the typeface that they are trying to express.

Week 8




Week 7


